What comes up must go down.

Jupiter. (Fire) — Luck, growth, fate.

Destiny, karma, luck, movement, turning point, (cyclical) change.


The Wheel of Fortune turns evermore, seemingly to communicate that life is made up of both good and bad times, and that the cycle is one that we cannot control. The wheel is rotating forever, in a cycle. The wheel keeps on rolling, churning events in a ceaseless progression of ups and downs, either way freeing us from the past. Wheel of karma and time.

Fundamental change is imminent. Be prepared for change. Bring change to keep control. Outcome is change. Physical moves, spiritual awakenings, or dramatically changing social patterns could arise now. Evolving, personal vision, fate, cycles, change, ups and downs, decisive moments, unexpected events.

No one can escape its cyclical action, which can feel terrifying, high or low. Nobody on earth can avoid what is fated. Go with the flow. Follow the flow of events. Accept these transformations. This is a safe place for you to be. You are watched over and protected as you go around the wheel.

You will learn a lot. An acceleration of learning. You will also learn it quickly, and what you absorb will benefit you for a long time to come. The positive benefits you gain during this period could last a long time.

The cycle of the wheel is its lesson -- and we can learn to take comfort in it. If you don't like the look of things right now, just wait -- things will change. If you do like the way things look right now, enjoy it while it lasts, because that will change too!

When one is balanced on top of the wheel, there is a moment of crystal clarity. However, the only part of the wheel that's actually not going up and down is the hub, which represents your eternal self. Every one of us will occupy all the points on the wheel at one point or another.

Greater forces that are outside of human control are at work here. The same forces that govern the changing of the seasons, or the rising and setting of the sun is also the master of luck and the fate of individuals.

It’s optimistic and fortunate. Good luck, fortune. Generosity, freedom.

Other: Take the good with the bad.

Reversed Meaning

Bad luck. Luck has not been on your side and misfortunes have been following you. These are due to external influences that you cannot control. Like the wheel, our luck and our fate is always in motion, and sometimes we are on the bottom. Be assured that the wheel will turn again, and you will be okay again soon. Don’t cling to illusions of control. Let go and release. The world will not bend to one’s will here.

If all is good, then probably a change for the worse. Unwelcome changes, delays.

Lack of control. Be ready.

You may have dropped from the heights and have been sent back to the beginning -- to either start over or reframe your plan. This may feel as if you have hit bottom, but think of it as a chance to renew yourself and chart a path that will help you rise from the ashes. You will be a more compassionate and wise ally when the next person takes a nosedive. In the future, maybe be a bit more modest in your aspirations.