One major phase in your life is ending, and a new one is going to start.
Scorpio. (Water) — Death, sexuality.
Transitions, endings, rebirth.
Misunderstood! Very positive! Very rarely means someone’s going to die.
You need to close one door so the new one will open. The past needs to be placed behind you, so you can focus your energy on what is ahead of you. This can be a scary time; you may be unsure of what will happen in the future. Even if you are scared, you should welcome the change. You are opening the door to new life events. You need to let go of any unhealthy attachments that you have in your life. Death teaches us to keep moving forward. Free yourself from a past that no longer serves you well and proceed toward the future. Transformation, endings, change, transition.
You are going to go through a major change, transition, or transformation. The old version of you needs to ‘die’ to allow the new you to come alive. Beginnings, life cycle, metamorphosis. Symbolizes ego death, rebirth, and purification. Take the plunge, act now. Sudden or unexpected upheaval.
Death purifies everyone. Elimination.
Let go and move on. Transform with what you have learned. Release. Transformation or bust. Spiritual transformation. We have nothing left to lose. Everything being pruned away is recycled for the fertility of the future, so that nothing is really ever lost, despite seasonal cycles of gain and loss. Detach from your old life. Complete unfinished tasks, close accounts, kindly cut cords. Move toward your ultimate interests. Do not allow nostalgia and outworn loyalties to hold you back. Be willing to go through whatever it takes to get to where you really want to be.
Even if, for example, you don’t leave a relationship altogether, you must learn to embrace change. Transformations for one partner or another may be what is needed to help both individuals grow. It can also be the coming of a new era, e.g. an engagement.
Possible loss if drawn in regards to finances. The lessons you learn can lead to practical changes when it comes to managing your resources, as well as to spiritual changes in knowing what is truly important to you.
Other: No one can destroy Death. Inexorable forces. Mortality.
You have been resisting change. Holding onto what no longer serves you. Fearing the unknown. This can cause you to feel like you are in limbo. Assess the ways that you have been approaching life changes. Life moves on, so fighting passing time is only going to leave you with regrets.
Repeating negative patterns, inability to move forward, stagnation, fear of beginnings, dependency.
Examples of negative patterns: Self-sabotage, imposter syndrome, etc.
You might long for the cord to be cut, but unfortunately you have to persist and endure without the relief of an ending. It is not time for termination and closure yet. Be patient. Coming changes may alter the way you feel about the status quo. Remember that harvest isn't started until the fruit is ripe. Work at becoming wiser and more mellow, sweeter and more nourishing, and your time of release may happen sooner.